Iniciativas de Ángeles Itiah

Proyectos de Belleza

La Industria Cosmética está incorporando cada vez más responsabilidad social corporativa en su modelo de negocios. Los Proyectos de Belleza de Itiah Angels (IABP) fueron concebidos para ayudar a construir un puente entre la industria y los mercados desatendidos. Históricamente, estos mercados han tenido poco o ningún acceso a muchos productos de belleza que están ampliamente disponibles en otros mercados. Los participantes de IABP salen de su zona de confort para interactuar con mujeres en nuevas comunidades, creando conciencia y sumergiendo por completo a estos mercados en nuevas experiencias culturales.

Desde el viaje piloto inicial a Haití, IABP ha experimentado un enorme crecimiento e interés, ya que individuos y corporaciones impulsan la exploración en nuevos países. Generosos participantes, donantes y patrocinadores corporativos han comprendido que al realizar incluso pequeñas inversiones en estas comunidades marginadas, se puede liberar un potencial inexplorado. Los contribuyentes a IABP son embajadores del cambio y su generosidad elevará a las mujeres para que se conviertan en una fuerza poderosa en su comunidad y en el mundo en general.

Programa de Robótica Juvenil

Itiah Angels for Learning se complace en asociarse con el galardonado equipo de robótica de preparatoria FIRST “Nemesis” 2590. El objetivo de esta colaboración es brindar una exposición a niños en países en desarrollo a la ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés). Mientras las madres participan en talleres de Ciencia Cosmética y Sesiones de Belleza, los niños participan en sesiones que consisten en actividades lúdicas de aprendizaje experiencial que fomentan la colaboración, la innovación y el diseño.

Itiah Angels For Learning® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

© 2020 ITIAH ANGELS FOR LEARNING® All rights reserved


Robert Baraczek

Fundraising Chair

Robert Baraczek is a Scientist and business owner in the Pharmaceutical and Medical industries specializing in skin and hair disorders. Robert enjoys spending time with his family, and is passionate about giving back and making a difference. He is especially interested in helping children in the most vulnerable parts of the world and undeserved communities. Robert travels to various countries and understands the difficulties students face in poverty stricken environments. For this reason, he is committed to helping and supporting the initiatives of Itiah Angels For Learning.

Pierre Joseph, MBA


Pierre Joseph grew up in Haiti and moved to the USA as a young man in the 90’s. Knowing that education is the path to opportunities, he earned a BS degree in Chemistry from Rutgers University and an MBA from Philadelphia (now Jefferson) University.


He is a continuous learner and has held positions as a Chemist at various leading companies such as Hartz Mountain, Kimberly-Clark, Summers Laboratories and Shiseido. He enjoys listening to music, playing his guitar, reading and cooking. He lives in NJ with his beautiful wife and their two children.

Myriam Almonor, PhD

General Secretary

Myriam Almonor is a scientist and a Public Health Leader. It has always been her passion to be a Chemist and an Epidemiologist with a drive to ensure safety and healthy communities globally. Her goal is to create an elevated level of protection of human and environmental health. She was born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti; fluent in French, Spanish, Creole and English. Most of her education were completed in the U.S. As a humanitarian without borders, she wants to educate the less fortunate and bring social changes for a better and a healthier world.


She has traveled to many different countries with members of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists to educate the population of Montrouis, Haiti and Portobello, Panama. She has addressed and demonstrated how effective it is to practice hygiene in order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. As a public health leader, she feels that it is her duty to reinforce certain health issues, specifically, in underdeveloped countries like Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Panama.


Through the years, she has traveled with many different healthcare organizations; whereas, she educated and contributed to the well-being of undeserved populations. ITIAH Angels For Learning is one of the organizations that she is contributing to assure that the youth of Haiti has a better chance through education and a better opportunity to live healthy. As a Haitian American woman, Educator, Scientist, Philanthropist; her goal is to teach, encourage, inspire and uplift disadvantaged children for a better future. As we all know, education is the key to success and power. Sharing her Godly blessings with the underprivileged is her ultimate goal.

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